How to Beat the New Instagram Algorithm — A blog by Jalyssa Doubleu

It's Not You, It's Them...


This story is for you. The person who posts on Instagram everyday in hopes of getting more exposure for your business, YouTube channel, event, podcast or blog

It can be frustrating, right? You spend time learning the editing software, finding the perfect venue, writing catchy content, making cool graphics, just to post it and get a measly 15 likes. It’s annoying, it’s confusing... it’s Instagram.

And if you’re old enough, I’m sure you remember when Instagram wasn’t this hard to manage. There was a point in time where you could post something and get at least 100 likes in the first hour (depending on how many followers you had). But now, even the most popular of popular Instagrammers are getting only a small percentage of likes. 

Take Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) for example. She literally has 148 million Instagram followers, but a photo of her and cute baby Stormi can only average a good 10 million likes. Granted those 10 million are way more than most of us have, combined. But one still can’t help but ask… where are the rest of her 138 million followers? And if #BillionaireKylie can’t even get half her followers to like a post how the hell am I supposed to?  

But don’t worry, your fave Instagram-storyteller @Jalyssa_DoubleU is here to shed light on how to beat the new algorithm. With my help you’ll not only gain a new perspective, but tips and tricks that will result in more engagement which equals more RSVPs for your events, more page views for your blogs and more subscribers for your channels. Let’s start shall we?

Tip #1 -  Remembering It’s Not You, It’s Them (as in Instagram)

Like I previously stated, this “new Instagram” can be frustrating. How so? Because you know your pics aren’t ugly! You know your events are poppin! And you know your YouTube channel, blog or podcast is relatable AF! So why aren’t the likes reflecting that? 

Because it’s not you, it’s Instagram. Specifically the new algorithm.

And what is an algorithm? It’s a process or set of rules used to manipulate data. And Instagram’s algorithm has done just that. 

The people with hundreds of thousands of followers get way more exposure while those with more “humble” numbers get the bare minimum. Sounds dramatic, but it’s true. According to only about 10% of your followers even see what you post. 

Now let’s do some simple math, shall we? If only 10% of your 1000 followers see your content (that’s 100 people), and only half of them are actually interested in what you’re posting (that’s 50 people) then of course you’re only going to get half the likes. My advice? Train yourself not to care about that part. If you obsess over the likes on Instagram you're bound to drive yourself crazy. 

A few months ago when they claimed they were going to “remove likes from being seen” I thought wow, that's a great idea! Because in terms of mental health, likes can turn into insecurities and self-doubt real quick. 

Likes are considered the new validation:

“I got 100 likes! I knew this selfie was good.”

“Only 20 likes? Ugh, I’m taking this down.”

When really, a picture with 100 or 20 likes can still be a good picture. Just like a YouTube Channel with 20 subscribers can still have great content. And exactly how an Instagram profile with under 2K followers can still post relatable adulting stories (I’m talking about me). 

In conclusion, you have to change your perspective on the likes. It’s literally not you it’s literally all Instagram. They’ve changed the algorithm to benefit themselves. And how are they benefiting?

#Tip #2 - Sponsored Posts

What’s a sponsored post you ask? Well pretty much you create a promotion on the gram and with every dollar spent you broaden your reach. 

Yes, you’re literally paying Instagram to do something they used to do for free. But if you want the exposure, you have to put money towards it.

Now let’s get more specific…

If you have a business where you’re making money (clothing brand, nail tech, personal trainer, etc.) and your budget allows, I suggest dedicating $40 a month to promotions. Depending on how many times you post, it could be more or less.

You want more customers right? You want people other than your family and friends to buy your products and services? Well you need more exposure which equals more reach which equals more engagement. Your next customer could be just a tap away, but if Instagram is only showing your post to a small percentage of people, you’re limited. You can get that exposure, but it comes at a cost. 

I know, another bill! But think of it as investing in your business. Plus how does the saying go? “You gotta spend money to make money.” And Instagram is making us do just that.

Granted, this way of promoting can get pricey, so budget wisely! If you need some assistance download my free Monthly Budget Worksheet and add the amount to your monthly expenses.

But what about the newcomers? How do you convince yourself to put money into your hobby even though you're not making money from it? The YouTubers with a lower subscriber count, the new podcaster, the up-and-coming blogger?

Well think of it like this: every hobby has the potential to be a business. Want to make money off YouTube, podcasts or blogging? Treat it like the business it is and invest. The right person seeing your post can lead to endless possibilities. But due to the new Instagram algorithm you have to do a little more for that person to actually see it.

Tip #3 - Don’t Beat Up Your Followers

The Instagram algorithm has had an affect on us all! So not only are you not getting the exposure from once before, your followers aren't getting exposed to much. Both sides are at a disadvantage, so don't be too hard on them. Personally I cringe when I see posts like:

“I appreciate all of my REAL followers who show me love. Forget the rest of y’all.”

“Good morning to my followers who support and show me love, only!”

“All it takes is one like or share and people cant even do that smh #FakeLove”

Again, I get it! It’s frustrating! Your bestie can flood their favorite celebrities with likes but can’t take two seconds to like yours? Its insulting. Its annoying...It's Instagram.

But let’s refrain from beating up on your followers and try a different approach...

Have you ever considered that maybe your friend just didn't see the post? With this new Instagram algorithm it's very possible. So instead of being oh-so-spicy with the followers who didn’t like your post, utilize things like Instagram stories and hashtags to broadcast the content a second and third time.

Instagram stories are more accessible, they’re literally at the top of the app just waiting to get tapped. It’s less competitive and easier to find. While hashtags give you even more exposure to people not following you. So give your followers and potential followers another chance to see your content by utilizing those free features. 

Tip #4 - Scratch My Back and I’ll Scratch Yours

A simple yet natural approach that we seem to already do. How many of us have a habit of liking another person’s post because they always like ours? *raises hand* 

Then next thing you know, y’all are like social media friends who don't know each other in real life but always engage on the other’s post. 

It’s called support! And if you want people to support your business or brand you have to extend the olive branch and support theirs too. Instagram has screwed us all, but instead of just being pissy about it we can work together to show each other love.

Turn on your favorite Instagrammers’ post notifications, keep up with their content, leave comments! The more you interact with their posts the more often you’ll see their stuff.

According to the more engagement on a post, the more Instagram deems it “worthy” and then more of your followers will see it. So again, comment under a friend's post, share it to your story! All of these things work together to get them more exposure. And in true “you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours,” this follower should (and most likely will) return the favor when you post something too.

Now to be clear, I’m referencing business related content. So events, blog posts, fitness pages, clothing brands, etc. Posts where we know the person is putting in actual time and would appreciate some engagement. 

If you like somebody’s selfie and two days later they don’t like yours, you shouldn’t get mad at that. Its a selfie. Just a selfie.

Last Tip - Remember Why You Started

I get that social media has turned into this whole “how many likes did I get” type of environment. But I encourage you to remember why you started doing what you’re doing in the first place. 

Did you start a YouTube channel because you enjoy doing makeup and wanted to record how-to videos? Did you start that fitness page to show your personal training skills and encourage a healthy lifestyle? Does having a clothing brand give you the ability to express yourself creatively and make extra money? Whatever your ‘why’ is, keep that in mind. Because like I said earlier, Instagram is a business. And as we’ve seen time and time again, businesses put themselves first.

They don't care if you develop self-esteem issues because you went from 100 likes to 15. They don't care if you have anxiety every time you post a picture because you're not sure how many people will see it. And they definitely don't care if you start to doubt yourself or your abilities due to them changing the algorithm.

So it's up to you to tune the noise out and remember why you started in the first place. You're the one who learned how to use that editing software, you're the one who paid to get that flyer made, you're the one who spends hundreds of dollars on new merchandise. So forget those likes! The likes are nothing but an added bonus. But the prize? The prize is knowing you're doing something you love and enjoy. And I truly hope this story helped you remember that.

Til Next Time,


Leave me your IG name below and I’ll be sure to show you some love!