“I’m a person with real emotions, thoughts, and ideas. These stories were written for me and by me.” - Jalyssa W.

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I’m a firm believer that there are multiple sides of a person…

And since you’ll be tuning in so often I figure I’d do us both a favor and tell you about my different sides, upfront. So when you’re reading my stories you know who it’s coming from. Let’s begin…


First, there’s Jalyssa T. Woodall. This is the scholar, the double degree’d, will plan tf out of an event Jalyssa. The well spoken, 4.0 Jalyssa. This Jalyssa works in corporate America and pays her taxes. She likes her job and loves her field. She does marketing in downtown Chicago and has no plans of stopping soon. She takes her job very seriously and enjoys presenting new ideas to the team. She is a marketing consultant on the side and a mentor. She likes her coffee piping hot and has a white board in her kitchen. This Jalyssa is focused and chasing that bag! She’s the one who made this website (quick flex).


Then there’s JMoney (First Name Last Name). Now JMoney be “WTS” (google it). She’s fun! Personable and litty. She got the nickname JMoney in college and it just kind of stuck. JMoney can kick it and drink with the best of them! She enjoys Seagrams, Mike’s Hard coolers, and Stella Rose Wine when she’s feeling fancy. You want to go out and have a good time? Call JMoney.

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Now Auntie/TT LeLe. TTLeLe is like JMoney but with a little more class. JMoney 2.0! She knows you can’t drink on any empty stomach so she makes sure to eat before. To be honest, she doesn’t go out as much… But when she does, she always makes it to work on time the next day. Basically, she’s a little less ratchet and a little more granny, but when she’s lit she’s lit! If it’s between staying in and kicking it versus going out, she’ll stay in and the party can be at her house. She has nieces and a nephew now! Used to be a cat mom, but wasn’t bout that life. She’s not focused on dating but more so self-love, relaxing, and mental health. She likes her furs, her cute outfits and heels. She’s trying to be the best, responsible adult she can be all while embracing some new changes.

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Lastly, there’s Budget Bae. Everyone needs a Budget Bae! She keeps all her receipts. She’s big on reviews and does them often. Both good and bad. On social media or via email. She has no problem staying on the phone for hours with a company to get her issues resolved. And she doesn't have a problem asking to be compensated for the trouble she endured. She knows that as a customer her opinion matters and will give it (respectfully of course). She is personable but assertive. Frugal but demands quality. She’s really just a cuter version of the Dad from Everybody Hates Chris; with more hair and less muscles. Gotta love Budget Bae.

I hope you got a better understanding of who I am and who I am not. Now go check out the rest of the site and hear more stories from me…

With Love,

- Jalyssa T. Woodall

- JMoney

- Auntie/TT LeLe

- Budget Bae