Bye Chi


✓ Boxes Packed

✓ Movers Scheduled

✓ Lease Signed

…bye Chi.

I was born and raised on the South Side of Chicago, but I’ve lived a little bit of everywhere...

Spent most of my childhood in Auburn Gresham.

I can vividly remember hanging outside with friends (they taught me and my sister how to ride bikes), walking home from school, stopping at the convenience store and getting a 50 cent juice and 4 chips for a dollar (with cheese).

After Auburn Gresham we bounced around a little, from 81st and Ingleside to 43rd and Shields, to 127th and Dixmoor. We were even in Indiana for a little bit. Then back to the city at 56th and King Drive, 103rd and Aberdeen… then I went to college. 

Chicago is home, has been home, and will always be home.

But I’m leaving.

I always knew I wanted to leave. Going to grad school in Bloomington (BloNo), IL really opened my eyes that there is life outside of Chicago. Granted, I was only 2 hours away, but still, I was out of the city.

Now BloNo wasn’t perfect, especially after recent events: #WhatHappenedToJelaniDay?

But it was a nice change of pace for simple ol’ me.

See I like to be out the way. But close enough so I can pop in when I’m up to it.

I’m like a phone, I need to recharge, and sometimes that recharge requires some isolation.


Now like I said, I always knew I wanted to leave, but the timing was never aligning just right.

After my Portland, OR marketing internship in Summer 2016, I briefly thought about quitting school and working at the company I was interning for…

But that didn’t make sense, because I was only 4 classes away from receiving my master’s degree. 

Then in Summer 2021, I had the thought again. And this time it was intense.

I had just interviewed Yara Shahidi for the Grownish After show and my dreams and desires felt closer than ever.

I wanted to move, get a job with Freeform (the company that hosts Grownish), do the Grownish After Show on their platform, and of course move to California.

I had it all mapped out!

At the time, I also realized that my old job was screwing me with no vaseline and it would be the perfect time for me to just MOVE.

But countless job applications later… and nothing. 

I would always say, “I just need to get them on the phone! Then I could win them over." But I wasn’t even getting phone interviews. Just denial, after denial, after denial.

Now at this point, the old job, which I ironically called “my dream job” once upon a time, was really stressing me out. Like hair falling out, losing weight, passing out type of stressing me out. 

So my mother, in her Genius Jeanine way, gave me some great advice: Jalyssa, I know you want to move to California, but in the meantime why not get a job in Chicago, just to get rid of that work stress? Then move to California later…


#YallBetterStartListeningToYallParents – sometimes, in my case, most times, they know what they be talking about!

So that’s what I did. I applied to a job in Chicago… kinda.

It was a remote company. Like remote-remote, like before COVID they were all at home, remote. And still going to be at home after…

The interview process was real! I had homework (and not no “tell me about yourself” homework, this was Excel homework), and a second interview where I had to give a strategy presentation of my choice (I chose SEO, because I love SEO).

This was all taking place in March, weeks before my birthday. And all I kept saying was “all I want for my birthday is a new job, all I want for my birthday is a new job.”

Well my birthday, March 29th, fell on a Tuesday this year. And the day before, March 28th, I got the call about the offer.

Crazy how things work out! Crazy how powerful the tongue is! Crazy how God’s timing is ALWAYS way better than ours…

Maybe… Maybe Not?

I had gotten a new job and that previous stress was gone! I could still work from home, making way more bread (cha-ching), and was like ya know, maybe I’ll just stay in Chicago a little while longer? At least until things work out with Grownish.

I found a place, not too far from my current place, in Beverly, Chicago. 

For all you non-Chicagoans, here’s a little context about Beverly (from Google himself): 

Is Beverly Chicago a good neighborhood?

  • For being located in a city that is often equated with its crime statistics, Beverly is essentially safe, getting an A- grade from Beverly has an assortment of public and private schools.

What is Beverly Chicago known for?

  • Known for its spacious homes, tree-lined streets, and racially integrated population, Beverly has retained its reputation as one of Chicago's most stable middle-class residential districts.

What should I know before moving to Beverly?

  • Beverly is family friendly, has great schools, gorgeous houses with nice yards. Close to Metra and easy access to downtown.

So I was cool with staying in Beverly! And the apartment I found was ironically owned by my current leasing agent. 

I had always been a great tenant, never cussed them out, always communicated as best as I could, and paid my rent early if not on time (hashtag it’s giving responsible).

The apartment was perfect: had a washer and dryer (I’d been paying for laundry since freshman year of college), a balcony (I heart nature) and designated parking spots. Still two rooms, still a great area, what could go wrong?

Well because it was so good, people never moved. And after calling my leasing agent, they informed me that the one apartment that was available had been taken soon after it was posted.

So my hope of moving there was gone.

But my current place wasn’t bad… at all! So I didn’t have any complaints. Just another slight disappointment. But one thing for sure, and two things for certain… what God has for me, is for me. So I was sure this denial would work out in my favor.

Work Trip!

Fast forward to May and I’m preparing for my work trip! The company was flying all 300+ employees to a camp site in Pennsylvania. 

It was an all inclusive, 5 day trip, where the goal was to relax, embrace relationships, and have fun!

I met hundreds of people! Who lived…everywhere.

Chicago, New York, Boston, London, Hawaii, Mexico, Texas, just to name a few. 

And it was so cool! I had been on Zoom calls with some of these people before, where I’m in Chicago and they’re in Mexico, but we work for the same company. Crazy to think about… and it got my wheels to spinning.

I’m Not Scared to Be Alone…

Now one thing about me… I likes my space! Like I said earlier, I am like an iPhone – when I’m good, I’m good! But when I need to be charged I get to tweakin.

So I prioritize my alone time, my recharge time, a lot. 

So much so that my ex-ex-boyfriend only saw me once a week. Now part of that was me being way too guarded, and part of that was him being way too understanding.

Cause bruh, you my man! You better check me!

(But then again, I’m not easily checked. So I understand.)

I say all that to say, I like my space. And when I was living up north two years ago, I got it.

Well, not literally, because it was a studio. A super nice studio! But a studio.

A studio that was far from my friends and family. But at the time, I didn’t care. I had just left my man (a different man, not the one who only saw me once a week) and I wanted to be far away from him and the apartment we once shared.

So I moved wayyy north. Like, end of Lakeshore Drive North. And I enjoyed it. I lived right by the water (so peaceful), took the train to my job downtown, and could walk to Aldi (I love Aldi).

I spent my time up there healing and reflecting on how I let myself get so far gone in that relationship. That’s also when I started to design the blog, write stories, and I even binged Game of Thrones for the first time too (shout out to the Starks and Jon Snow).

So see, I’m good with my alone time. I’m productive in my alone time. But the reality is, I need people too.

Living as far as I did, I wasn’t able to see my loved ones often. Parking was like, non-existent up there, and I got quite a few tickets for parking illegally.

So after being there for 2 years, I decided I wanted to move back to the South Side, and that’s how I ended up in Beverly.

Now at this point you may be thinking, “sooo where you moving to?”

Well, let me explain.

This or That? Here or There?

As mentioned above, I like my space, but I love my family. And if COVID taught me anything, it’s that we need people. The interactions, the warm embraces, it’s a thing. A thing I like, and realized I missed after being on lockdown for so many months.

So when deciding where I wanted to move, I only considered places where I already had family: Oregon and Georgia.


Yes, black people live there too. My Mom and older cousin included.

Oregon, specifically Portland, is beautiful. Every time I go I literally don’t want to leave. The forestry, the friendliness, the dispensaries (LOL). And most importantly, MY MOMMA!

I love that place, I literally call it ‘Peaceful Portland.” But….

It’s high! Like, crazy high. Which makes sense because it’s on the West Coast. 

Now I could always get a roommate (not happening) or downsize to a 1 bedroom (also not happening).

But if I wanted to I really could…

But that just sounded so forced to me. And I’m big on things not being forced. 

I can’t do forced energy, relationships, jobs, or parking spots. Cause if it’s feeling forced, then maybe, just maybe, I’m not supposed to be doing it…

And then there’s Georgia.

I have family in Georgia. And not no, Great Aunt who I ain’t seen since I was six, family. I mean family family. Like, they’ve seen me grow up family.

One cousin, we call him Muscle (you know black people love having nicknames), moved to Atlanta a few years ago. He got a job, a place, found love, and is really enjoying it down there.

And my other cousin, Zee Bee (more nicknames), she works for one of the top universities in the state and just earned her doctorate degree from there too (HASHTAG WE GOT A DOCTOR IN THE FAMILY).

So that was already a plus, right? My cousins, who are no more than 10 years older than me, living there, doing well, sounds cool right?

But then there’s this cute, lovable cherry on top that goes by the name of…


London is one of my oldest friends. We met in high school at the age of fourteen. We had homeroom together, and because her last name starts with a W too, we were always by each other. But that was just the start…

All throughout school we were together. Our lockers were footsteps apart, we had classes together, skipped those classes together, and my Mom and Sister actually liked her (and they don’t like many people).

Years later, London moved to the A and had been there ever since. She enjoyed it, and I went to visit her a couple times. It was nice! The food was good, the suburb she lived in was clean, and it just seemed… peaceful.

I can remember being at her place and there was so much forestry around. I could heard the birds chirping, it smelled like pine cones, the air wasn’t all thick… and I liked it.

But I’m not gon hold you, I never wanted to live down south. I pre-judged it and assumed it was hella country. And hot.

But again, I was only up to living in a place where family was…

Portland was great! My Mom is there. My cousin! The dispensaries (LOL)! It’s peaceful. But it does rain quite a bit… and I may have to get a roommate… or a studio… and it ain’t many blacks. Some! But not a lot chile…

Then there’s Georgia! Again, family and a best friend there. It’s not as far, not as expensive. But I always had this thing about not wanting to move South.

So what was a girl to do?

Well I did, what I think we should all do, when trying to make a decision…

I prayed.

Prayed that God would give me a sign as to what I should do. And make it clear! Cause I didn’t want any confusion. 

And He did, in the form of a person…

My Momma

Now me and my Mom FT a lot. Got to! Especially with her living so far. And one day she just bussed out and was like “You should move to Georgia.” 

Now mind you, I hadn’t even told her I was thinking about moving there. Cause I didn’t want to make her sad. You would think if I were going to move out of Chicago, I would instantly go to Oregon, because my Mom is there. So to say that Georgia was a possibility? Nah, I’d rather not…

But for her to say it? I knew it was God.

And then, two days later, London and I are audio messaging (as we always do #loveher) and she bring its it up too! At this point I’m alright now, Lord. I hear you!

I did my research, found some potential places, crossed off those potential places (because the reviews were atrocious), and checked with my job to make sure it was cool. Found some movers, sold some furniture, told my family and my friends, and now…

Ya girl is moving to Georgia! 

Taking that Midnight Train to Georgia! In my Gladys Knight voice.

And I’m excited! Things are flowing so naturally and organically too.

I love my new place (I’m going to have a washer AND a dryer), there’s family out there, I ain’t gotta worry about no snow, no dispensaries (LOL), but it’s just giving real aligned with how I want my life to be right now…

And this move doesn’t mean the West Coast is out of the picture entirely. It just means it’s not supposed to happen right now. Who knows, in a year or two I may get that call from Grownish, asking me to slide to LA and host the after show there. (The tongue is powerful, and God keeps his promises, so don’t be surprised when you see it happen!)

But yeah, that is all friends. Ya girl is moving down south!

I’m really looking forward to starting my 30s in a new city, continuing to focus on my career, and writing about it along the way.

Keep me in your prayers as I travel and get settled!

Til Next Time… peace.

Click Here to Watch My ‘Quality Time’ Highlights on Instagram