6 Things to Consider When Apartment Hunting

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As a young adult there are usually 3 things we can't wait to accomplish…

- Getting a good paying job

- Finding the love of our life

- And moving out of our parents' house

We love our Moms and Dads, and adore our Grandmas and Grandpas but let's be real, don't nobody wanna live with them FOREVER. Yeah they may not charge rent and you can get free meals, but it's nothing like having your own.

You can walk around naked, not do the dishes for days and have company over without asking for permission. You're able to be free in your own space and set your own rules.... 

Now I'm not trying to convince you to move from your parents' home. To be honest I think it's a good idea to stay for a few years and stack ya money up! But for those of you who are over it, this story is for you! 

If you’ve read A Whole Year Of... then you know I've been doing this living on my own thing for a minute now and although I love it, things aren't always peaches and cream. So before you decide to just up and move because you're tired of people busting in your room or getting yelled at for not washing the dishes, TT LeLe gon give you the real.

So here are 6 things you should highly consider when hunting for your dream apartment... 

1) Your Budget

How does the saying go? Champagne dreams but beer money? Yeah, that's a real thing. I live in Chicago, where the taxes are high and the bags are seven cents. So if you think you're about to find a decent apartment for cheap - think again.

But what exactly is "cheap?" Well it depends on your budget. Before you hop on Apartments.com figure out how much money you bring home AFTER taxes (not gross pay, that shit ain’t real).

One suggestion I have is find a place that’s affordable enough for you to pay all your rent with one check. This is a major key! Because the reality is, things come up. Our cars need repairs, friends need to get bailed outta jail and sometimes we just go a little brazy with the swipes! But if you can pay all your rent with a check you'll be good, regardless. If you need help figuring out if you can do that or not, download my free Monthly Budget Worksheet (203 people already have, what you waiting on?)

Adulting 101 Tip: Rent is due on the first. So if you get paid twice a month save half of your first check for rent and get the other half from the next check. This way your bank account takes less of a hit and you don't feel completely broke after paying the landlord.

2) Location, Location, Location

Where exactly are you trying to live? There are so many options. You got the suburbs, downtown, a place with a view, a place with a gym, south side, north side, west side, east side, and that's just a few. Wherever you decide to live I have one suggestion: don't move too far from your job. 

I get it, you may want to live downtown and be next to the best bars or shopping centers - but if your job is in the complete opposite direction, you should probably reconsider. Because the reality is your job is what pays the bills. And no one, I mean NO ONE, wants an hour plus commute to and from work work. 

Every. Single. Day.

It's draining. You should want to get to work at a reasonable time and not be burnt out due to the commute. Plus, think of when you've overslept, think of when it's raining, think of when it's snowing. Again, I live in Chicago where you never know what the weather or traffic will be, so you gotta tack on an extra 20 minutes just because. So keep all this in mind, it really makes a big difference.

Adulting 101 Tip: If you can live by public transportation - do it! You never know if you'll have car issues so being close to a train or bus can eliminate having to take off and messing up your money.    

3) Neighborhood Perks

Speaking of location, what are the perks of the neighborhood you're thinking about moving to? Are there groceries stores near by? Where's the nearest bank? Are there people who look like you in the vicinity? These things are super important and should not be overlooked…

This is where you're going to be laying your head down, so you should feel comfortable. If you're a person of color consider living around other people of color. Because no one and I mean NO ONE wants to see a confederate flag, or a Trump sign, or a Hitler emblem in their neighbor's window.

Same when it comes to grocery shopping, half the time we don't feel like doing it, but imagine if the store was 30 minutes away, oh we REALLY ain’t gon wanna do it then. Also it's always nice to have a little restaurant or convenience store near by, for the days you don't wanna cook or need some wine.

Adulting 101 Tip: Neighborhoods with a university near by are lit! I live by a popular University in Chicago and even though I’m not in school anymore I get all their same perks: tons of restaurants, bars and a pretty campus to walk around. It’s like I go to the university but don’t pay tuition or go to class.

4) My favorite one...Parking

If you follow me on Instagram then you've seen my parking struggle. It be so damn REAL. The area I live in is great, best decision I could've ever made, but the parking? The parking will make you wanna slap yo mama. I've spent a good 30-40 minutes looking for a park before and it can be frustrating. Because not having a designated spot or free street parking can inconvenience you a lot. 

A quick trip to Dollar Tree can turn into a "damn do I really wanna lose my spot?" And if you're a risk taker and decide to park anywhere you please, you run the risk of getting parking tickets. And if you live in Chicago you already know! A parking ticket can go from $50 to $300 real quick. So keep this in mind before you decide to move to an area where parking is scarce.

Adulting 101 Tip: When you know better you do better.

Now let's talk about the actual apartment...

5) Amenities

Amenities are perks, considered to be essential, that make life easier and more pleasant. Some perks include free gas, wifi, and a dishwasher in the unit. To me, that's fancy! So if you found a place with all that you're winning! But, one amenity I don't want you to forget is having a washer and dryer. I don't even care if it's in the building and you gotta pay for it (like me), having one close is soooo convenient.

Because again, who really likes to do their laundry? *crickets* Exactly, so just imagine having to tug a heavy hamper to your nearest laundry mat. It ain't fun! My last apartment didn't have a washer and dryer and I HATED IT. Because rain, sleet or snow, I needed clean clothes. So rain, sleet or snow, I was tugging that big ass bag to the laundry mat. 

Now the laundry mat isn't terrible, I did it for a whole year and it got the job done. But again, amenities are to make things easier and "more pleasant" so consider adding this one to your list of must haves.

Adulting 101 Tip: If your building doesn’t have a washer or dryer, drive to a friend’s house or back home and wash for free. Them few dollars add up! Don’t be no fool!

6) And last but not least... Reviews

I love reviews! And just like you can read reviews on the latest item you want to buy, you can look up reviews on apartments too. Because some things you just want to know in advance. How's the landlord? Is she nosey? Is there a mail room? Do packages usually get stolen? Do people complain about music? Are there bed bugs? Yall got rats? How long does it usually take for maintenance to fix something? Is there an elevator? How does the lockout process work? Etc. Etc. Etc.

Basically, it's a lot of questions that need answers. And rightfully so! This is where you'll be laying your head - so ask away! Yes, ask the landlord! That’s why they’re there. But read them reviews too. Because at the end of the day, this is the landlord's job. So of course he/she is going to make it sound all lovey dovey. But the reviewers? They usually keep is a hundred and state FACTS. So take some time and review sites like ApartmentRatings, RentersVoice, and Craigslist. If you scroll to the bottom of apps like Zillow and Aparments.com you'll usually find some reviews there too.

In conclusion, do your research! I can't stress this enough. Cause once your name is signed on the dotted line, it's a wrap! And no one wants the stress of finding a subleaser.

Oh and I can't forget this, please know that no apartment is perfect. So if you're looking for a great location, with no issues and unlimited perks, you may be looking for a while! But just know what's meant for you will always be yours and you can make it work! Best of luck on your apartment hunting journey and happy adulting! 

Sidenote, if you have other tips on apartment hunting leave them in the comments below! JalyssaDoubleU.com is a resource and the more information we put out the better.

In the meantime, read my other “living on your own” stories now: