Wow... I Want to Remember This

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Every time I’d even think about meeting a guy, and what I should or could do, to put myself out there I’d feel the ick and be like, “ehh nevermind.” 

Especially recently. 

I don’t get out much, usually just the gym or the store, and when I do, I make it my business not to make eye contact with the male species. 

However, I knew the weekend of September 9th I’d be going to my friend Cookie’s engagement party and I’d probably have to look at people.

So I get there early to help setup. I meet some of the bride and groom’s family, some of the bridesmaids, the little sisters, the childhood friends, everyone was so cool and welcoming.

But as I’m setting up this guy walks in.

The same guy I saw on Cookie’s story last week. She attended his birthday dinner and I remember literally typing, “he cute lol.”

But that ick feeling came in again, and I felt like that was doing too much, so I never sent it. But it was him, the guy, and he was even cuter in person. His aura, his confidence, his swag, I was lowkey instantly intrigued.

It’s crazy too because I felt this urge to say something to him, and that ick feeling ironically didn’t intrude.

So in between hanging up streamers, I found myself walking up to him and introducing myself. “Hi, I’m Jalyssa,” I said, while smiling and reaching out to shake his hand. “I saw you on Cookie’s story.”

“Oh hi, nice to meet you. Yeah, she was at my birthday dinner.” Someone else ended up interrupting our conversation, and he was cool, but it was something about the guy in the navy blue jacket that I was so intrigued by…

So after that short exchange I walked away and got back to setting up. I did what I felt led to do and that was that.

As the party continued, I’d see him around and we’d occasionally lock eyes, but it wasn’t nothing too crazy.

Then as it was time to get food, we happened to be in the same part of the line. So my chatty self sparks up another conversation (like I had been doing with multiple people that day, I’m friendly I can’t help it lol). This one was, “So did you enjoy your birthday?”

“Yeah, I did,” he said. “It was nice seeing my people, we had a good time.”

I’m “okay, nice! How old did you turn?”

“32” he says. I’m “nice!”

Well at this point it’s time for me to get out the way and he says, “are you the host of the party?” I chuckle and say, “is that what it’s giving?”

And he says, “Yeah, it’s giving big boss energy.”

I laugh again and say nope, then make my way out of the food area.

Another cute, small interaction lowkey started by me.

The party is continuing and I’m having such a good time, chatting and mingling with everyone. I’m actually great at networking and starting conversations, I should really get out more and stop “hiding” as my therapist would say.

I did however find myself, just once, making my way over to the same side of the room as the guy in the navy blue jacket. Just like on some slick stuff, in an effort to give him the opportunity to ask for my number...

But nothing. LOL.

Granted we were in the middle of a game, but still mf you betta get in tune! LOL.

Not gon lie, that little move did make me feel a little thirsty so I’m girl walk away! So I did. Also now that I write this, was that thirsty or was I just being too hard on myself for the umtpteeth thounsandth time? Ima go with being too hard for 800, Alex.

The party continues, and to my surprise when Cookie was introducing her bridal squad, she starts saying some really kinds things about this one person.

How the young lady has been so helpful these last couple months, and she couldn’t imagine her not being a part of the special day. I’m thinking, “aww that’s sweet.”

Then she says, “Jalyssa will you be my honorary bridesmaid?” And yall! I was so shocked and sooo happy!

I can literally remember months ago helping her with some wedding stuff and lowkey thinking I would love to be one of her bridesmaids.

But in true Jalyssa fashion, I convinced myself that I was doing too much and being too thirsty. Because Cookie and I literally met less than a year ago… but I have to say, when we met it’s like we were drawn to one another and have gotten really close ever since. 

So to now be an honorary bridesmaid?! Omg! I find myself smiling and giggling even while writing this. I was so happy and still am. And even though I don’t know what all it entails, I know it’ll be just enough…

Then all of the official bridesmaids came up to me after like “yay! We all knew but had to play it off!” I’m awwww how sweet is this!! And honestly at this point I wasn’t even pressed about navy jacket dude. If he ain’t get my number before the night was over, he just ain’t get my number! But at least I was going to Florida with the girls for the bachelorette party 💐

As the party is ending I find myself taking down decorations, and I was very focused too, because I didn’t want Cookie to get charged for no damages, so I was removing the decor very carefully to ensure no markings were left on the wall. And guess who walks up? Mmm hmm.

Mr. Navy blue jacket. I don’t even remember how the conversation started, but here are some things we realized we have in common during the exchange:

  1. Obviously we’re both great friends of Cookie’s. He was her high school mentor and I’m her honorary bridesmaid (yeah, I’m excited lol)

  2. He used to live in freaking Portland, and as you guys know, my Mom lives there, and I wanted to move there last year but decided on Georgia instead.

  3. We’re both fire signs: I’m an Aries and he’s a Leo. I’ve dated one Leo before and let me just say this… that was a very special bond. Honestly, it’s just something about those Leos. Even the women! They’re so fun and legit a good time.

  4. We’re both creators, as you know, I’m a writer, producer, marketer, and a TikTok girly. While he’s a writer, producer, film director, and actor. 

  5. His name starts with a J, my name starts with a J.

  6. He’s the baby of the family, and so am I.

  7. He journals what he’s thankful for every morning, and I do too.

Along with so many other things, but all in all, we have a lot in common.

We ended up having a further, deeper conversation, and although I won’t be getting into all that (because I den told yall enough!), it was nice.

But seriously, look what happens when you get out the house! And even more importantly out of your head. Look what happens when you’re just yourself, your true self, with no overthinking. And look what happens when you stop trying to plan things and just trust that God will align them exactly how He sees fit.

And oh yeah, he got my number. Lol.

But I’ll stop there because I need to get ready for work, which is literally footsteps away (ugh, I’m so happy to be working from home again).

But one last thing, and I have to say this… it feels so good to be writing again, to be expressive with my words again. I love my blog and had been praying to God asking him to give me that push I need to start writing again.

Then I met the guy in the navy blue jacket, and as we were talking all things creative, it hit me that I needed to start writing again, and here we are…

Til Next Time, Peace
