If I Should Have A Daughter...

First off, let me say this... YA’LL KIDS BE CUTE AF.

I find myself on Instagram liking hella baby pics back to back. They be so cute and chubby! They legs be so full of rolls and mouths full of slob! Baby fever is real! But mine is a little different...

I don’t walk through Walmart’s baby aisle and get all tingly inside and I’ve never fantasized about having a baby on my hip. My baby fever comes from the love and care I desire to give to a little me, a little Jalyssa. And even more, what I want to pour into her…

I didn’t grow up around a lot of babies. I’m actually the youngest grandchild. My cousins didn’t have kids until I was older and the most I knew about babies was to always “hold the neck.” But now that I’m older and I can witness Moms close to me and their children, it has me thinking. What would I pour into my daughter?

I see my ship Kathryn. Pouring into her 1 year old daughter Charm already...


She’s shown her how to be responsible at such a young age. From getting the juice out the fridge to throwing her diaper away. She even encourages her to give hugs and be affectionate. It’s honestly so sweet…

Or my other ship, Laina. Her daughter Kristen is 8 years old now and has so much confidence!


She’s brave, expressive and personable. She’s living the life every 8 year old would want: a cool mom, a stylish room. She’s a cheerleader, in drama club. She can play instruments! And it’s because her mother has poured so much into her.

So it has me thinking...What would I pour into my daughter? What traits do I want to have instilled in her from a young age? What can she learn as a small child that will help her when she’s older? In order to even wrap my head around all that, it’s imperative that I reflect on everything that’s been poured into me. So in honor of Mother’s Day being next month and my undeniable thirst for a daughter (in due time, of course - I got bills), here’s what’s been poured into me from the women in my life and what I hope to pass down to my daughter one day...

What my Granny poured…


Granny was a lady! She wore her fancy, tailored church outfits and stylish hats to match. She stayed with a purse that always had lipgloss, tweezers, lotion and a couple pieces of tissue inside. Now although Granny was very stylish and put together, that’s not all I got from her…

Granny was also an Avon lady and babysat a few church members’ children. She didn’t make six figures but she managed her money well; Granny paid her bills on time and was organized. I would encourage my daughter to be like Granny. Handle your business, no matter how much money you make. And always do right by people! Granny had a consistent group of friends. She called and chatted with them often and poured positive things into them. Granny showed me its important to check on your friends and be a good one. Be like Granny.

What my Auntie Bunny poured…


Auntie Bunny‘s that Auntie everyone wants! The professional, active, goals AF Auntie. Always had a great job, foreign car, and a garden. Auntie Bunny actually taught me how to cut a steak! She showed me how to position my hands when using the fork and knife. Auntie would take me, my sister Jasmine and cousin Brittany out once a year for something we called “Auntie/GodMommy Day.” On this day we would have real conversations and do cool activities like fishing or going to Navy Pier.

Auntie Bunny always made sure to celebrate everyone’s birthday with cake and food at her home. She made you feel special. To this day she still calls and sings me Happy Birthday. She’s always been the hostess with the mostest! Be like Auntie Bunny. Show people you love and care about them while they’re still here.

What my cousin Zee Bee poured…

Zee Bee is my older cousin who doesn’t live in the same state as me, but her presence is still just as strong. Zee Bee has always been confident! From her hair to her style, Zee Bee is Zee Bee and I wouldn’t change a thing about her.

She’s real and relatable, making her easy to talk to… because there’s no judgement. I don’t know how many times I’ve called her just to talk and left the conversation feeling full. Be like Zee Bee, baby girl. You may have a cousin who needs you just like I’ve needed her.

What my sister Jasmine poured…

My sister Jasmine is the confidence queen! If my future daughter has even a pinch of Jasmine in her I know she’ll be fine. From cheerleading to pageants to oratory competitions, she’s never been afraid to stand up and work it! She will speak in front of the largest crowds and do so without breaking a sweat. She’s friendly, likable and a business woman. She’s protective and passionate. Please be confident like your Auntie Jazzy! It will help you so much when you get older, my love.

What my Mom poured…

Where do we even start?

Professionally, a beast. Presentation skills are A1. Drive is unmatched. Work ethic is impeccable. Business attire is professional yet stylish. She treats those below and above her the same. A trait I really want my daughter to remember! No matter how far her career takes her (and I’m sure she’ll go far) I want her to remember where she came from and to treat people right. It’s soooo important. Please stay humble.

Personality wise, my Mom is the life of the party! All the jokes, all the conversation topics, she’s a real life social butterfly. It poured into me and my sister so I know my daughter will have it too.

My Mom had a lot on her plate: two children, a career, and all the other things that come with being a successful black woman in America. But she persevered and raised two pretty amazing young ladies. When my daughter becomes a Mom I pray she has the resilience of my Mom too...

Now I don’t know when I will have a daughter. I don’t even know if I’ll have a one. But whenever Motherhood comes into play, I want my child to be able to go back and read this and know that she has amazing women around her. Women who she can learn from. Women who can pour into her. And all she has to do is be open to it…

And since I’m here, I want to give an early Happy Mother’s Day to a few Moms I look up to. Each of you are doing an amazing job in your own amazing way. Keep being great! Future Moms like me are watching and soaking it all in...

  • Jeanine Woodall

  • Bernadine Grandberry

  • Zandra Genous

  • Elecia Byrd

  • Edna Bogan

  • Mary McBride

  • Almetia Bogan

  • Aunt Laura

  • Gwen Washington

  • Kathryn McIntosh

  • Shelaina Reid

  • Kelsey Hosea

  • Angela Wilkins

  • Karen Lewis

  • Sheree Clark

  • Crystan Wilson-Johnson

  • Kahla West-Mitchell

  • Raven Harrington

  • Cydne Garrett

  • Brionde Stone

  • Asia Watt

  • Temetria Harris

  • Thalia Reyes

  • Erika Butler

  • Maya Grandberry

  • Alexis Bentley