The 'Rona Rollercoaster


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Like you, I live on planet Earth and am having to deal with what #BlackTwitter calls “the Rona” aka the Coronavirus aka COVID-19.

The Rona came out (cause it’s a mixtape?) a few weeks ago, I believe. Maybe even a month ago? I’m not exactly sure because at first I felt like I didn’t need to care about it too tough, because it wasn’t close to home. All the cases I heard about were out of the country and my 9-5 ass hadn’t traveled in months - so I figured the Rona didn’t apply to me. So I was good!

But next thing you know, jobs are closing and we’re getting advised to stay indoors. The fact that things have changed so quickly, in a matter of weeks, has been overwhelming. And I went through my own lil ‘Rona Rollercoaster just a few days ago (quick story).

Okay so boom, my job told us last week that we may have to work from home because the virus was spreading like wildfire. And I’m not gonna lie, I was here for it! Working from home sounded so much better than getting up hella early to catch the train and make my way to downtown Chicago. It be cold, I be sleepy, and I could really do my work from home (so I thought).

So to say I was ready to work from home was an understatement. Every day until we got the official email I was waking up like “sooooo... bout that work from home!” But on Monday, March 16th, I got that email and it’s been so not-lit ever since.

I have a what I like to call “gotta work foreal” kinda job. AKA they not paying me all this money to sit up and look cute! So working from home or not, things gotta get done. So on day 1 of my personal Rona Rollercoaster, I rolled outta bed, set up my laptop (on a hamper instead of a desk because I just moved) and proceeded to start the day at 8:30AM. I got some work done but by the time 1:30PM came I was reds-ta-go!

But go where? I couldn’t leave the house, I couldn’t have friends over, and this Rona maddness was starting to blow me...

Day 2 of my Rona Rollercoaster was even worst. Because at this point I realized that work wise, the Rona ain’t stop no show! My job expected full on productivity and my clients had even more needs than before. I started to feel overwhelmed. Cause I don’t know about you, but it can be a challenge to work from home and be super productive...

You got the couch, the bed, unlimited snacks. And these things were getting in my way! I was getting stuff done but I felt myself getting overwhelmed. Everywhere I turned it was Corona this, Corona that. How did something that didn’t even effect me a few weeks ago now have an effect on my entire lifestyle? And everyone else’s.

There were ‘rumors’ (I like to say rumors because who really speaking facts? Plus, I have trust issues with the media and especially social media). But again, there were ‘rumors’ about everything!

Nationwide lock-downs where there would be no internet or phone access for 30 days. Talks of: if your job didn’t need you and hours got cut, you’d need to file for unemployment. And big events like graduations, weddings, and even NBA games would be cancelled until further notice. It was all so much and was happening all so fast.

Ooh then, my favorite ‘rumor’ ... or ‘occurrence’ or... hell, I don’t know what to call this but ima just say it... YALL WILD AS HELL FOR TAKING ALL THE TISSUE! And disinfectant spray, and Lysol wipes!

Like I get it in a sense, but once I realized people on public assistance aka WIC were struggling because those not on WIC were taking their items... it blew me. I was starting to get annoyed with the Rona and the rollercoaster was becoming more and more not fun.

Day 3 of my personal Rona Rollercoaster:

So idk if I said this already but I actually moved this past weekend. Yes, ya girl is no longer a Northsider and back to my Southside ways! I’m closer to my family, the best restaurants, and my friends (even though I can’t see none of them at the moment - that damn Rona). But because I moved nothing has been set up yet... not my internet, not my TV, so I been on a real Rona Lockdown! I been using my phone’s hotspot to have internet for work and because my table wasn’t set up I was working on top of a blue hamper.

It was annoying for sure. Cause this wasn’t what I planned. I thought working from home would be cool and a break from taking the train. But by day 3, I was going crazy! I found myself WANTING to go to the office just so I felt like I had some kind of purpose for the day.

I don’t know about you, but I like my little routines! I enjoy waking up, drinking my coffee, showering, getting dressed. Eating breakfast, fake rushing to the train, listening to music and podcasts during my commute, going to work! And now, all I can do is stay home. It was becoming real dry and I wanted to get out and interact real bad.

But I couldn’t. If anything the news was extending the amount of time time we’d need to practice “social distancing.” Y’all President (cause that ain’t my President) went so far as to saying we may have to do this til July or August. I’m bruh, what????? It ain’t even April yet! It ain’t even been a week yet! How the hell I’m posed to...

But after days of being in the house, a bootleg work from home setup, and staring out the window WISHING I could work at the office... I decided I HAD to change my perspective.

I just had to! Cause at this point there was nothing I could do. The government, hell, the country is on lock down! Everyone is affected by this virus in some way, shape, or fashion. Not just me.

So even though staying in is annoying AF, and even though I would love to work at the office, and even though I’m flying through all my quarantine snacks, I have to acknowledge the most important thing...

I’m actually healthy.

You see, like the flu, the Coronavirus is contagious. And even though we’ve been on lock-down for a few days, that doesn’t mean we didn’t contract it before lock-down. We could be walking around with the Rona and not even know it! (Especially because a lot of people who have tested positive said they didn’t have any symptoms). So really, how mad could I be that there’s a deadly virus attacking the country but to keep me from having or spreading it I need to stay indoors?

When I say it out loud I must admit I sound a little spoiled. Talking like...

“Oh my goodness, what you mean I can’t go to work?”

“Oh my goodness, what you mean I can’t go get a mani pedi?”

“Oh my goodness, what do you mean I can’t go kick it with my homegirls?”

When really, there are some people who legit have the virus and will be out of commission for who knows how long... If they even survive it.

So when you put it like that, it kinda makes you more appreciative for the measures being taken.

But again, I get it. It can be so frustrating...

My heart broke when I found out my best girlfriend’s graduation was cancelled. I didn’t even know what to say to her... she’s worked so hard to get to this place, and now the ceremony that’s meant to acknowledge HER won’t be taking place…

Or think about the service industry. These people’s jobs depend on SERVING the community. So establishments like hotels and restaurants and local stores, are getting no money resulting in people having to stay home and not get a check....

Excuse my French, but it’s all types of fucked up! It’s all frustrating and it’s all not fair. It’s like damn, I get humans aren’t perfect but this our karma? A whole ass virus where we GOTTA stay in the house? This is no fun. And it’s hella bogus. But on the real y’all....

At least we’re healthy.

I know, I know, you don’t wanna hear this! You wanna sulk in your feelings and have your moment. I get it! Cause on Tuesday I had one of them days. After work I was so annoyed with this Rona stuff I ate me some Popeyes chicken and went to sleep EARLY. I was over it and needed a moment to feel how I felt. I needed to process everything and just have some me time.

But on Wednesday, I got up and ultimately had to change my perspective. I had my moment to sulk about working from home, being overwhelmed by all these new changes, and wanting to get out the house. But there was nothing I could do about it. This virus is affecting EVERYONE, not just me. So instead of staying in my feelings about something I can’t control, I decided to focus on the things I could...

Like my attitude.

So on Wednesday, day 3 of Rona lock-down, I got up, took a shower (it had been a good 2 days - not gonna lie) cooked breakfast (my fave: bacon and eggs), set up my table to work on, and ultimately got shit done.

There is nothing me, you, or anyone can do about this virus other than practice the measures we’ve been advised like social-distancing, washing our hands, and saving money.

And you know what? Once I realized there was literally nothing I could do about the Coronavirus - I felt a sense of relief. A sense of appreciation. It went from...

“Oh my goodness, what you mean I can’t go to work?”


“Thank God I’m one of the people who can actually work from home.” Cause y’all, some people can’t. Some people are signing up for unemployment as I type and it’s literally out of their control.

I went from “Oh my goodness, what you mean I can’t go get a mani pedi?!”


“Thank God I got some money, maybe I should save it?” Cause who knows how long this gonna last...

And of course, my new favorite thought whenever I get into a Rona mood...

“Thank God I’m healthy.”

Because according to CNN, over 8,000 people have the Coronavirus in America, and thanks to God, I’m not one of em.

But okay, I’m almost done! So my boss (who I love by the way - she’s hella smart), has this friend. And her friend has this rare immune disease. I don’t know the name of it, but I do know that she has to have this really specialized medicine that costs like $10K a month. And on the regular, she has to work from home three days out the week because her immune system is so weak she can get sick from anything...

This lady, my boss’ friend, is going through it I’m sure. On a perfectly, virus-free day, she has to worry about getting sick and potentially ending up in the hospital. So during times like this I’m sure she’s overwhelmed. Going through it. Wondering what’s next for her...

So next time you wanna complain about being self quarantined, think about someone who is in a worst condition than you. Someone who was already sick or someone who actually has the virus. And like, how their life is literally on the line.

Or even the doctors and nurses who have to risk their lives and be away from their families to help those in need. From them, to janitors, to public transportation drivers, to those who can’t work from home, these people (plus more) are putting themselves at risk everyday because they have no choice...

And we complaining about some damn tissue.

But yeah, in conclusion, I hope y’all don’t let the Rona Rollercoaster get you too down! And I hope this story gave you a new perspective.

Til next time,
